Uranus/North Node/Mars Conjunction in Taurus
Jul 31, 2022Chaos is the great teacher.
It provides the opportunity to be brave, to connect to an inner strength you may not have known existed.
It provides the opportunity to become a version of yourself you only dreamed of.
Chaos is the crumble that inspires the rebuild.
It provides the genius & opportunity to create the new.
It provides the shattering of what you relied on to shift you into true connection.
Chaos is the beauty of life.
It inspires strength, change, growth, connection, love, evolution, & revolution.
Chaos is the muse to create a beautiful new masterpiece.
She is to be trusted & respected, not feared.
She is the inspiration we all need at times to bring our dreams to life.
Chaos is the contractions of birth.
The necessary experience that results in life, deepens love, bliss, growth, & journey.
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